Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Commenting on the blog

We're getting the sense the folks are unable to comment on the blog any more...we don't know why that is. Anyone have any ideas? Please email.


  1. Kerry-

    We discussed this before you left. This isn't a straight forward Comment Box you have here, it is set up for the tech. saavy, and people with the patients of Mother Theresa. I've had to fuss with it a number of times even after we discussed how to do it.

    After Comment as: there is "Select a Profile..." then you have a long list that you need to select, such as: Google Account, Live Journal, Word Press, Type Pad, AIM, OpenID, Name/URL, Anonymous. This is not straight forward who the average person is. We discussed this and I went into Name/URL (whatever that is). Do I put my first name only, or first and last name? It automatically puts a 0 after my first name if I put first name only. It blanks out URL and continues.

    Then you get a "Your request could not be processed. Please try again. You need to try a dozen different ways (first names only, first and last name, what do you put into URL?).

    Then you get a message saying "URL should end in a valid domain extension, such as .com or .net. Ok, I'll try my email address since that ends in .com. When I put in my email address, I get a message, "URL contains illegal characters." Okay, my email address is not what it's asking for....

    Good Luck, Donna

  2. Choosing an Anonymous profile worked!!!!


  3. Have you been getting my comments. I am able to send them from my side if I go anonmyous and sometimes try a second time when it is rejected the first time.

    Lovd Dad

  4. Yes, I usually try anonymous. It works.
    Rtia K

  5. This is the first time in a week that I've even been able to get the comment box to open--I can moderate comments, but I can't view them on the blog.

    I don't know why the commenting is such a pain, and there don't appear to be any more settings we can adjust. Sounds like anonymous is the way go.

    Donna, thanks so much for your perseverance. I can't believe you've had the patience to struggle through all that.

    Even if we don't reply to comments much, we do appreciate them. It's nice to know that we aren't completely alone out here.
