Monday, February 9, 2009

Doing nothing

We are happily doing nothing in Luang Prubang. We've spent time down by the river tossing mudballs into the water, drinking fresh fruit shakes (mango is my favorite), and enjoying the quiet. It's nice to finally stop being tourists for a little while.

That said, we're volunteering in an English school a few afternoons this week, we're planning a cooking class, a trip to the waterfalls, a trip to the Pak Ou caves, and a visit to a local orphanage. Guess we won't be doing completely nothing after all!


  1. Ah, doing nothing - what a nice concept!

  2. Rest for the travel weary sounds like a good idea. We will be eager to hear about the teaching experience. D & D

  3. It sounds like you are having wonderful experiences! Aidan, we miss you in science class! I hope you continue to enjoy your travels.

    -Ms. Gumas at WMS
