Friday, January 30, 2009

Flying to Vientiane

We left Siem Reap yesterday, and flew Lao Airlines to Vientiane, with a brief stop in Pakse to clear immigration. As someone who hates flying, I can tell you that taking an old Russian prop plane into Pakse, which has mountains on one side, water on the other, and weird air currents bouncing the plane around, is not fun. Unfortunately, we didn’t even think about air sick meds for the boys before we flew--it’s a short, daytime flight and they can usually do those. Declan, however, tossed his cookies as we approached the airport. And that’s when we discovered that Lao Airlines airsick bags aren’t particularly well made. Fortunately, just as the seam was splitting, we were able to drop it into the plastic bag I’d been carrying my spare toilet paper in. And the stewardess had a spare seat in the back of the plane, so no one had to sit in the damp for the next leg of the journey.

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